Many small businesses report that technology and changes in technology are one of their biggest challenges. Small businesses need to concentrate on developing their business and not worry about the Information Technology (IT) end. When technology doesn’t seem to be a major part of your business, it is very easy to get overwhelmed and set aside automated procedures that could save you time, effort, and money. Employee productivity can be increased as well as providing an easier expansion of your customer base. Understanding what IT services or applications are available and how they can benefit the smaller business is not always easy to determine. Here are some areas to consider.
Data Backup & Disaster Recovery
Statistics show us that close to 80% of companies close up shop in the aftermath of a disaster involving loss of computer data. Software issues, hardware crashes, fire, flood, and theft have always been potential threats. Now with the rise in “malware and ransomware,” security has generated its own industry. As discussed in an earlier blog, disaster planning and data backup is an absolute must in today’s working environment. This is much easier when using an established IT service company that is familiar with the details of planning and establishing off-site backup facilities. Onsite data storage is an option in the event of hardware issues and you need to get up and running quickly. Having all files backed up locally can be the quickest way to resume business. In the event of a disaster, (Think Covid-19) remote access to your data can be an absolute necessity to continue operations.
Many small businesses have expanded from home-grown shops to larger-scale corporations and computer security has been overlooked. With one or two employees, possibly family members, security was never an issue nor considered. However, as businesses grow and employees are added and vendor access is permitted, security needs to become a very important focus. Phishing, malware, ransomware are all growing threats, and virus attacks are becoming commonplace. Password protocols need to be established and enforced. A strong anti-virus program needs to be in place and updated regularly. Operating systems need to be updated on a specific schedule. Focusing on YOUR business does not always allow time and energy to devote to outside threats to your computer systems. An experienced IT services company can do that for you. Setting up firewalls, web filters, and security procedures and guidelines are THEIR business focus. Security needs to be in place before a problem arises. Unfortunately, security only becomes a major issue when it is needed but wasn’t there.
IT Consulting
Hiring an IT consultant early in the game is the best way to establish clear, concise procedures to cover file management, data security, and data backup. Using a consultant is the best way to have an outsider look at your business with a distinct view of what is needed and what may not be needed. In this way, you will not be paying for services you may not require or ever use but can be assured of implementing the critical services that will enhance your business, increase productivity, and afford growth.
On-Site Computer Service
The printer stopped working, the computer screen froze, files can’t be accessed, etc, etc. All these issues arise in every office every day. Having an on-site tech (or via telephone) can be the quickest way to resolve simple problems. Having an employee attempt a fix on their own may mean lost productivity or lost revenue. Let the experts do what they do best. Most IT services companies can easily arrange for low-cost tech support for the many computer glitches that can happen. Getting these issues resolved quickly is much easier for an IT company staffed with various levels of tech support.
Talk with our team at 10X Consulting Group to see how a continuity of operations plan can be designed and implemented for your small business.