As the new year approaches it leaves many questioning what it will bring as far as the safety and security of their company. During the pandemic, the number of people using some form of technology increased. For most, the only way to safely communicate with their loved ones was via video calls so individuals and companies alike had to quickly adapt to technology in order to stay connected. Now as we end 2022 and enter 2023 these technologies have been embedded into our daily lives and tasks. Most jobs now require the use of some form of technology.
What this has done is created more opportunities for hackers to track down and victimize more individuals and companies. In fact, every single day, there are over 2,000 cyberattacks! And this number is only expected to increase over time.
Here are the top cyber security trends and predictions to look for in 2023:
Geo-Targeted Phishing Threats
According to Indeed, “Phishing attacks are a pervasive security threat to the IT sector, with multiple still becoming the victims of phishing emails. Malicious URL’s and phishing emails remain prevalent on the web, except that they are not highly localized geo-targeted, and are more personalized.
Cloud Hacking
More and more businesses are using clouds to provide a safe place for all employees to upload/save their work. It is critical that all IT departments enhance the security for cloud access and continue to monitor anything that may cause harm.
Cell Phones
Yes, you read that right! Our best digital friend that holds our most precious memories is on the rise for hacking. Websites, GIF’s and even our banking apps are a primary target. The majority of Americans have a cell phone, including children, and it’s especially important to monitor the youth to ensure they are not being used as bait.
Automotive Hacking
“Modern vehicles nowadays come packed with automated software creating seamless connectivity for drivers in cruise control, engine timing, door lock, airbags, and advanced systems for driver assistance. These vehicles use Bluetooth and WiFi technologies to communicate that also opens them to several vulnerabilities or threats from hackers”, says Simplilearn.
Human Error
Most data breaches are due to human error. Lack of attention to detail, malice, or even an innocent overlooked mistake can provide hackers the chance to accomplish their victory. Having more than one person and system monitoring your technology can save you tons of time and money.
SMS Messages
According to Security Boulevard, “Hackers use good old-fashioned spoofing, often combined with phishing, to intercept and read your SMS messages. For those in the know, it’s basic tradecraft. This is because SMS messages rely on the security of phone networks and phone companies. Both, sadly, are notoriously easy to access.”
Targeted Ransomware
Another important cybersecurity trend that we can’t seem to ignore is targeted ransomware. Especially in developed nations’ industries rely heavily on specific software to run their daily activities. These ransomware targets are more focused such as the Wanna Cry attack on the National Health Service hospitals in England and Scotland corrupted more than 70,000 medical devices. Though generally, ransomware asks to threaten to publish the victim’s data unless a ransom is paid still it can affect the large organization or in the case of nations too.
Why Choose 10X
So, how do you protect your business from a cybersecurity breach in 2023 and beyond?
That’s where our team at 10X comes into play. We partner with top-level companies in the cybersecurity space to make sure your company always has the latest technology available, saving you time, money, and peace of mind.