The world is more connected than ever before. You can be reached virtually at any time in any place in a multitude of ways: by cell phone, Facebook Messenger, Twitter DMs, Email, Skype…the list goes on. As Millennials begin to buy homes and climb the ladder of the workforce, landlines are becoming a thing of the past. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2018, more than half of US households didn’t have landlines at all and totally rely on cell service. 

In your business, are you still totally reliant on landlines? The limited capabilities of landlines for businesses are holding you back from reaching the maximum potential of your team’s abilities, and could be costing you in annual revenue. Below are three ways telecom can benefit your business. 

  1. Here’s a simple example. 

    If you write a report using Microsoft Word, you have to save the document on your computer, and then email it in order to share it. If you need to access the report but you’re away from your computer, you won’t be able to get to it. It lives on your computer only.

    If you write the report using Google Docs, it’s saved online, not on your computer. You can log into Google Docs from any computer and have access to your report, because it lives online in the cloud. 

    But why is using the cloud so valuable for businesses? 

    For starters, it reduces operational costs. By using cloud-based technology, a business can eliminate expensive software licensing costs and IT support and maintenance services. Using cloud-based systems provides infrastructure, software and storage at a much lower cost than those installed locally on your business’s hardware. Cloud-based services are also billed at a lower rate, saving you money on the front-end; and if there is an issue with the service, you’re not the one paying for expensive tech repairs. 

    Using cloud-based systems also brings speed, accuracy and efficiency to the way a business operates. This translates into happier employees, which can improve workplace culture and lower turnover rate. Cloud-based services stream directly from the internet, so as long as you have the best, highest-speed connection, you and your team will have little interruption and complication with the system.

    It also can improve your team’s workflow by:

    • Allowing them to collaborate when working remotely

    • Helping their productivity by eliminating the time and expense of upgrading workstations

    • Work and projects can be completed anywhere, anytime

    • Making their daily process easier and more streamlined by having all their work located in one, online location instead of being scattered and inaccessible on their computer

    10X Consulting Group can help your business achieve a high-quality product and customer experience by integrating cloud-based services. If you’re ready to take the next step, contact us today and let’s begin the journey, together.