Manufacturing Floor

Every company and individual using technology is at risk of a cyberattack. 

Cybersecurity is more important than ever due to the fact that our world has increased usage of technology to conduct day-to-day transactions, as well as increased the amount of sensitive and confidential information that is delivered via online methods such as email. Taking the proper steps of reviewing existing protocols and adding additional security features if needed is beneficial for protection against cyberattacks, data breaches, and unauthorized user access. 

  1. Ransomware, which is a common method of requesting money in exchange for returning sensitive company data, has been getting worse for some time. According to Forbes – a recent survey found that 51% of businesses in America were hit by ransomware in 2020, with an average ransom demand of $178,000. 

    Cybersecurity threats include:

    –    Malware 

    –    Ransomware

    –    Social Engineering

    –    Phishing

    –    Insider threats


    Here are 5 items your business should review regarding cybersecurity:

    1.    Ensure your company has protocols in place for potential cybersecurity attacks.

    2.    Teach employees proper use of company property including mobile devices, desktops, laptops, iPads, etc.

    3.    Educate staff on how to spot suspicious activity and how they should report it.

    4.    Reinforce confidentiality of sensitive information.

    5.    Invest in quality cybersecurity courses for the team.


    Cyberattacks are not going away. No matter how many hackers are caught there will be more lining up to steal sensitive data and money from unsuspecting and unprepared companies and their employees. Cybercrimes of this type are an inescapable part of business in this century. Your company’s reputation and trust are on the line.

    Call a 10X Consulting Group team member now at 704-931-1056 or visit us online at let us help you review your existing cybersecurity measures and put the right risk strategy together for your business.