When a business is small, having one or two phone lines can be easily managed. But adding even two or three more lines can get complicated quickly, especially for customers. Every business wants to grow but needs to have the right telecom in place to ensure all departments are running smoothly. 

Enter PBX or Private Branch Exchange. Implementing a PBX system allows all communications to be done internally on its own system, instead of relying on a local, outside phone company. But what are the benefits of using PBX?

1. Ease of Use for Customers

Imagine having ten employees, each with their own phone numbers. A customer has an urgent need, but their usual point of contact isn’t available. They desperately scramble looking for someone else to contact, wasting time looking up other phone numbers and not knowing who to contact. The customer is already frustrated with the urgent need and now is even more upset that they can’t get in touch with anyone who can help. They then begin to wonder if your business is still the best fit for them, turning a loyal customer into a wavering one. 

With a PBX system in place, the customer would have one number to call that would bring them to an integrated voice response service or IVR, giving them menu options that can easily connect them with anyone in the company. Frustrations are lowered as the customer no longer needs to search for multiple numbers and hope they get through; the PBX system will help route them to helpful options. 

2. Call Forwarding 

Let’s say that same customer is panicked and needs to speak to their point of contact right away. They call and can’t get through to a live person, making their panic even worse. With a PBX system, an employee can forward their desk calls to their cell phone, or to another employee if needed. That way, the customer is always able to reach a live person who can ease their panic and help them immediately. An employee can also have a specific message that plays while a customer is waiting, which can help ease the customer’s mind about the priority of their relationship. 

3. Real-Time Cost Analysis

By using a traditional phone service, costs can only be evaluated when the bill arrives. Furthermore, analysis of which lines are being used the most, which department is getting the most traffic, and which employees are using the lines for personal use, isn’t available. With PBX, you are able to see all of this in real-time. The system enables you to monitor costs, see which lines are getting the most use (and perhaps need additional call support) and which, if any, employees may be abusing their phone usage. These features allow for more efficient monitoring, which can save your business time and money. 

4. Cloud-Based Enhancements

One of the latest innovations in the PBX industry in the integration of the internet. Using a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system allows all phone communications to be done online, in the cloud. This has numerous benefits. First, using a cloud-based PBX system allows employees to have their desk phone number at work, and on their cell phones via a mobile application. This makes access to the employee for coworkers and customers easy and simple. 

Secondly, using a cloud-based PBX system allows calls to be recorded. This allows calls to be used for training purposes, for disputes to be resolved, or for gathering information given on a call. 

It also allows for texting, which can be a huge bonus in our text-first society. Through an application, an employee can text a customer or a coworker if calling is either not an immediate option or an unnecessary one. 

A PBX phone system has multiple benefits that can improve a business and help streamline communications, systems, sales, and operations. These benefits lead to a more loyal customer base, happier employees and an improved workplace culture. It also makes your business look more professional, which adds to the positive image you’ve worked so hard to achieve. At 10X Consulting Group, we’ve partnered with RingCentral to bring you the best PBX system available. 

If you’re ready to take the next step, contact us today and let’s begin the journey, together.